Уницеф о нама

УНИЦЕФ посвећује пажњу обележавања Дечје недеље у нашој школи.
Belgrade, 6-12 October 2014 – This year’s theme of Children’s Week is focused on the family. It is the loving and caring family environment in which all children can thrive and reach their full potential. . .
Прочитајте на сајтовима УНИЦЕФ-а:
- Pupils from the Miloje Vasic Primary School in Belgrade celebrate Children’s Week by learning all about the Convention on the Rights of the Child (http://www.unicef.org/serbia/media_26805.html)
- Србија обележава Дечју недељу (http://www.unicef.rs/novosti/srbija_obelezava_deciju_nedelju.html)